SEEDS partners giving aid during COVID-19 crisis

During the past few weeks of worldwide change from the spread of COVID-19, SEEDS partners at a nonprofit foundation in Indonesia have distributed food supplies to poor families. Many in the country are struggling to survive in midst of economic hardship related to virus response measures.

A lady who helped with the distribution said of a mother, when they arrived at her family’s home: “She cried, and was touched as we brought the donations for her and her daughter. Her daughter wished for chicken but they had no money to buy. They were so happy when we brought the chicken.” The mother hugged and kissed the SEEDS partner to thank the foundation. “First I wanted to reject it,” she said, because the virus risk was uncertain: “But then, I hugged her again.”

The food distribution was possible, in part, through charitable contributions that SEEDS supporters specifically designated for COVID-19 relief. On many occasions SEEDS workers have partnered with Southeast Asian communities in highly specialized ways—education, research, healthcare, economic development. During the crisis, though, one very important way to help has been simply to give families food they need.