
SEEDS is able to place professionals from a range of backgrounds with local institutions and projects that share our commitment to providing high quality educational opportunities from pre-school through to adult education.

University placements

Universities and higher education institutions across South East Asia train and prepare the next generation of leaders. SEEDS is proud to be part of this important work, with professionals contributing specific knowledge and experience from a variety of disciplines.

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English as a foreign language

The ability to speak English opens up a world of information and jobs. SEEDS members work with organisations providing opportunities for young people and adults to practice and improve their English with native speakers. Working with local charity Yayasan Pendar Pagi (YPP) SEEDs workers run an English Resource Centre in Pekanbaru, the capitol city of Indonesia’s Riau province.

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English training for teachers

SEEDS professionals in Riau working with local partner charity Yayasan Pendar Pagi (YPP) are providing training and support for teachers in local schools, applying educational theory such as student-led learning, and empowering teachers to use English in their schools day-to-day.

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Teaching children to read

The foundation of education is the ability to read confidently and to enjoy reading. SEEDS members work with local partners developing and delivering programs that teach pre-school children to read. We currently have ongoing programs in Riau and Jakarta.

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Education scholarships

SEEDS members working with local organisations provide scholarships and encouragement to children from poor families to enable them to complete their education.

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