Exercise Classes for Retired Folk

Many studies have linked exercise with higher quality of life not just in young people, but especially in elderly people. Most retired men and women in Southern Thailand don’t have much to do during the day and become very inactive, which in turn can result in reduced physical capabilities. This can also lead to feelings of worthlessness and depression.

In order to prevent this, the team in South Thailand offer exercise classes to retired folk. The people who attend have expressed their enjoyment of this time and have spoken about improved range of motion and less aches and pains. Usually when the team arrives, there are a number of people waiting and excited to start with the exercise class.

As the members of the class are improving, we are challenging them to try to lead a class, enabling them to see the worth that they themselves add to the project. Some people are excited at the prospect of leading and others are a bit more hesitant, but a fun time is always had by all and lots of laughs decrease any nervousness the leader might have had.

Through this and other projects our team aims to educate the community on the health benefits of regular exercise, no matter what phase of life one is in.