Equipping Young Adults with Fluency in English

2018 has seen the departure of some of the senior English Zone members, mostly in search of professional occupation or tertiary education in different provinces or overseas. While we are sad to be saying goodbye to the valued members, we are also excited to be receiving a new generation of young adults this year. There are currently 15-25 college students and fresh graduates who come and join our discussion sessions at any given day. Pronunciation lab has also returned this year after a short break, where members can sign up to learn how to read and converse with a SEEDS worker in a one-on-one setting.

Falling in line with SEEDS vision, YPP EZ is proud to have played a major contribution in equipping our members of the community with the necessary English language skills, empowering and enabling them to engage with the wider parts of the world.   We look forward to what 2019 will bring as we rebuild the English Zone as a learning community for the next generation of students.