Mandarin course at UNM (Universitas Negeri Makassar) at Sulawesi Indonesia

Starting from mid-2016, a SEEDS member, who is a native Chinese speaker, starts teaching Chinese courses at UNM. One of the students show increased interest in Chinese culture and, after taking Level 1-3 Mandarin courses, she applied for a teaching job in China and got accepted in Aug 2017. She is now teaching Indonesian language in a private university in China. The Mandarin courses had helped equip her and made her more competitive for this new challenge.

From early 2017 a SEEDS member starts to teach at the undergraduate Mandarin program at UNM. There are 2 batches of students (Year 1 and Year 2). Our member teaches them how to write Chinese characters as well as writing short articles. Students enjoy learning Chinese through various creative activities, including games, competition, group research and presentation.

Even though the students claim it is hard to study Chinese, some did show obvious improvement. A girl -who came from a village 10 hours away- came to the city to study Mandarin. In her first year, she barely passed her exam. She was so sad and she even begged the teacher to give her a chance to retake the exam. Our member encouraged her to not give up and gave her some tips on how to study. In her second year she started with making a lot of mistakes in her homework, but she was encouraged to persevere and to repeat her work again and again until she understood all the materials. Finally she got quite a satisfying result during the test. She shed tears when she saw her test score because she never imagined she could do it!