Envisioning a Future

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” ― Anthony Brandt

Since February 2014, SEEDS workers, in partnership with Yayasan Pendar Pagi Jakarta, have been running a parenting course for parents of children under 5.

This course is an adaptation of both an Indonesian Early Childhood book series for parents, ‘Seri Bacaan Orang Tua’, and a UK Early Learning based program ‘PEEPS’ (now PEEPLE).

The main message/focus of this course is that parents/guardians are the first, and key educators of their children. Parents are encouraged to recognise the importance, impact, and value of their role, and given the opportunity to learn together about topics such as: Developing your child’s character; Reading with your child; Benefits of play, and more. ‘TIps’, on how this can be done and incorporated as a part of everyday life, are also a core element of the course.

This latest course began in September, and has been modified from a fixed 6 session course, to a weekly 40 minute session run in conjunction with a local kindergarten. This change was suggested by the head of this kindergarten, as she felt it would encourage greater take-up and engagement of the course. She was right! We have a core group of 8-10 women who have been regularly attending, engaging, and participating.

While the children have their weekly exercise, we gather with the Mums. Journeying, and learning together, as they envision the future of their families-envisioning them as they want them to be.

We are hopeful that, as we engage with these Mums, and by extension their families, that we can play our part in seeing that what they have envisioned would come to pass.