“Kahla” has been coming to the children’s reading and play group for several years. Initially, she was very shy and would rarely talk to anyone. Now that she is starting school, her mother is working on teaching her to read. However, they cannot afford to buy books for her. Kahla’s mother is very appreciative to be able to come to the Window to the World Library and borrow books to help Kahla learn. So far, Kahla is only interested in story books with pictures. As she matures, she will be able to access books of various types and levels that she can borrow to read on her own. This will help to stir her interesting in reading.

The internet age that we live in has many advantages. However, many children (and adults) spend much of their time staring at screens. Through educational games and puzzles at the library, people can increase their hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, and imagination. Potential engineers can experience building something with their hands.