Monthly Archives: February 2024

Broadening Ways of Working in Effective Partnership

Dedicated SEEDS’ consultants have been working for many years with key partners in Southeast
Asia in the field of socio-economic development and education. But its number of consultants are
still small and so much more could be done as we desire to engage in effective partnerships in this
global world.

How can we then overcome the limitation in the area of available human resources? One of our
SEEDS educational consultants working in partnership with Hasanuddin University in Makassar
(Indonesia) has already had experience in hosting students from other countries as voluntary interns.
The purpose of these internships- as explained in the article “Investing into a New Generation of
Movers”-is to provide a cross-cultural exchange of thoughts and expertise.

The idea came to widen this internship program to graduates who already have made experience in
their respective field of work. Last year the SEEDS educational consultant mentioned above was on
a summer-long home leave. He used this time as an opportunity to share with his network of
professionals whether they would be willing to give 4-8 weeks to join in SEEDS’ efforts of
knowledge transfer from industry to universities.

The response was unexpectedly high. However, there was the remaining question as to whether the
employers of those interested would approve a longer leave. But why not ask? This is what one of
the professionals did and to his surprise his employer agreed. He will be on his way in May 2024 to
join our SEEDS educational consultant and help with projects at Hasanuddin University in the area
of security standards of autonomous systems.

SEEDS is excited about seeing this new way of working in effective partnerships through
professionals who are willing to give limited time to SEEDS’ various projects.