The library is reaching into new communities as people from other neighborhoods visit and tell their friends about it. Last month a woman and her five daughters started coming to the library regularly and now they bring their friends with them. They play games and take books home to read.
Frequently there are requests for new books and many have been added in recent months. Also added to the library are games that challenge and enhance memory skills and these have been quite popular.
In a partnership with a local foundation, there is a Story & Play Group on Saturdays. People from the foundation along with volunteers from universities come to the library for a time of story reading, games, and a craft using pre-used items such as plastic bottles, styrofoam cups, and folded paper. The goals of this program include increased literacy and environmental awareness.

On English Conversation days, a mix of high school and university students, are fine-tuning their grammar and pronunciation while having discussions on various topics. They also enjoy learning through games.