The Perahu Nusantara Foundation is on a mission to build environmental awareness in coastal communities and to have fun at the same time!
Children’s youth clubs that teach environmental awareness are becoming a popular way of educating young people about the importance of protecting the planet. These clubs provide a platform for children to learn about various environmental issues that affect the world around them and encourage them to take action and make a difference in their community. These clubs also help to foster a sense of responsibility, encourage teamwork, develop leadership skills, and inspire creativity among young individuals. The Perahu Nusantara Foundation has been running youth clubs in two communities targeted at children aged 5-11. These provide a fun place to play and learn about caring for the natural environment. Local volunteers partner with Foundation staff to run these clubs and the Foundation has invitations to start the clubs in new communities.

Another initiative being undertaken by this charity is the sewing of reusable bags. In areas with terrible plastic waste, these reusable bags have the potential to not only reduce single-use plastics but also act as a powerful educational tool to encourage people not to throw waste into rivers or the sea. The reusable bags will work in tandem with the community youth clubs to mobilize young people to take care of their environment and challenge their parents to do the same. Indonesian cities face enormous environmental and social problems, so catalyzing a social movement of local people who care about their community and environment can help make a difference in creating a sustainable future for all.