There is no doubt that the current generation of young people has a global perspective. Among them Generation Z who are finishing higher education and starting to enter the market place with its enthusiasm, idealism and new ideas to make a meaningful contribution in this global world.
One of our SEEDS educational consultants works in partnership with the Hasanuddin University in Makassar (Indonesia) where he comes alongside students and hopes to not only equip them in terms of expertise and knowledge but also in terms of getting ready for the global challenges of our days.

Recently our SEEDS educational consultant hosted two Master students from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany for a two-month long voluntary internship placement. They both received a warm and enthusiastic welcome from lecturers and students of their respective departments and soon started to work on the projects that were assigned to them.
The purpose was to provide an exchange of thoughts and expertise in a cross-cultural setting for both the German students and the Indonesian student body of the technical faculty. Besides interactions on campus, they also went together camping in the mountains or visiting a secluded island. It has provided worthwhile opportunities to grow in mutual understanding as they shared their dreams and perspectives on life. Far from being exhaustive, these cross-cultural encounters will help the movers and leaders of tomorrow to tackle growing global concerns in appreciation of each other’s cultural roots.
As a side-effect, our SEEDS consultant- who works as a lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering-was also able to update his knowledge in newer platform technologies for “Embedded Systems”. One of the two German students, who was about to graduate from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) in the fields of mechatronics, helped by transferring a research project to a FPGA-System-On-Chip platform. This will give a push for enlarging the scope of research projects and investigating additional concepts.