Recent SEEDS News

Flood Relief in South Thailand

At the end of November 2024, it rained so heavily in the southernmost provinces of Thailand that it flooded like never before. Some elderly people said that they haven’t experienced such a severe flood in their life-time. Streets and houses that usually don’t get flooded, were flooded this year. Many streets were flooded, so people could only wade through water to shops.

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Window to the World

“Kahla” has been coming to the children’s reading and play group for several years. Initially, she was very shy and would rarely talk to anyone. Now that she is starting school, her mother is working on teaching her to read. However, they cannot afford to buy books for her. Kahla’s mother is very appreciative to be able to come to the Window to the World Library and borrow books to help Kahla learn.

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Long Range Vision-Two eyes are healed after ten years of care.

When SEEDS met Mrs. Yakeen in 2013, she was blind. Severe cataracts obstructed both eyes, but she was fearful of the surgery needed to restore vision. SEEDS partnered with a local foundation in Riau, Indonesia, and sent health workers to Mrs. Yakeen’s isolated village. For months, they encouraged her to give the healthcare system a chance, and she agreed to treatment for her left eye. It was a success. Mrs. Yakeen proudly declared to neighbors that she could see, and others followed her example. Several villagers sought

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About Seeds

SEEDS recognizes that people need hope. Hope comes from within, but after generations of living hand-to-mouth, hope for a better future for one’s family, community, and even country must also come from without. SEEDS desires to reverse the flow of the vicious vortex of poverty. It desires to bring a better life to thousands of Southeast Asia’s poorest people through improved skills that will allow them to pass on hope and a better future to their families, neighbors, and countrymen.

Click below to read more to learn and see how SEEDS brings hope for tomorrow.

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